David A. Johnson

Country : Australia

English Proficiency : Native

Role : Head Teacher

Teaching experience:

18 years in Japan.

Teaching classes ranging from Kominkan (simple English conversation activities) to High School students (advanced English conversation skills), to major Japanese companies such as Mitsubishi and Hitachi (advanced business principles).

Specialist adult classes are “how to give an effective presentation”  and “How to conduct a Quality Assurance audit.  (I am a qualified QA auditor)

Favorite student

One who has an active, enquiring mind and understands that English is not just a classroom subject, but that good English skills will open their life door to multiple opportunities, and allow them to experience life more fully.


Have wide range of outdoor skills including learning to fly a light plane, surfing, camping, tennis, catamaran sailing, traveling overseas, horse riding.

Indoor skills

include Aikido, reading historical novels, doing jigsaws, meeting friends.